Eqvista blog

We help business owners realize their dreams by providing full company incorporation, share management and valuation
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Interview with tZERO CEO: Saum Noursalehi

We got a chance to interview Saum Noursalehi, CEO of tZERO, the leading blockchain-based marketplace for trading tokenized private securities. Hi Saum, Thank you so much for this interview. Just to start with, Could you please tell a bit more about yourself and your journey to tZERO? Having studied Computer Science in college, I have … Continued

What is a Secondary Offering and How does it work?

Entrepreneurs usually seek investment or private funding to start their business. To raise capital, you will need to schedule meetings to pitch your ideas to venture capitalists or angel investors. If they like your idea and see potential, they will invest in your business in exchange for some equity in the company. Once you get … Continued

Introducing SEED (Simple Employee Equity Development) by Eqvista

Employee equity compensation is an irreplaceable hiring and retention tool these days. Apart from preserving precious cash reserves of a company that would otherwise be allocated for regular cash-based salary packages, equity compensation also acts as an important enhancer of employee performance. However, one rule cannot apply to all employees in an organization. This is … Continued

409a Valuation for Startups from Eqvista

With the valuation of a business, the investment uncertainty reduces to a great extent. And even though 409A valuations for startups are reforming the way the market works, the practice still requires a high-degree of judgement. The valuation is done using some top practices instead of set standards. Moreover, early-stage companies are very different from … Continued

Introducing Eqvista’s Free 409a Valuation Calculator

Any time there is a discussion about the funding in a company, it always turns into a topic on company valuation. Everyone wants to know the worth of a company, especially investors who are going to put money into the company.  In fact, it is very important to get the value of the company, be … Continued

SEC Rule 144: Everything You Need to Know

Tracking the history of securities is vital to companies as they have to ensure that they adhere to the SEC rule 144. SEC rule 144 specifies conditions that companies in public and private markets need to meet to sell their securities. This rule makes it essential to track companies’ security issues in the private sector, … Continued

Apple Inc.: Top Shareholders and Capital Structure

Apple Inc. is one of the top five IT giants in the United States. Rallying beside Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, Apple is a pioneer in innovative technologies that drive the global market in consumer electronics, software, and other online services. They specialize in creating hardware and software products along with professional applications for their … Continued

Eqvista and tZERO: Introduction of Partnership

We help founders and investors handle their equity in the right way, not just by using our application but by also guiding everyone with all the important knowledge needed to handle equity properly. Eqvista is constantly trying to improve and expand our services so that we can offer you the best. This is why we … Continued

Capital Structure for Startups

You must have heard the term “capital structure” at least once in your life, especially if your family or friends have businesses. For people who are investment analysts, professional investors, or corporate officers, this concept is essential. This article will tell you about capital structure, the types of capital, and why a sound capital structure … Continued

First Chicago Method for Startup Valuation

Investors tend to invest in a startup that has the potential to grow, especially if the market is big. The bigger the market, the higher the returns from economies of scale. To invest in a startup, they need to determine the value of the startup as it is one of the main factors used in … Continued

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