Author: Sarath

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Angel Investors vs. Venture Capitalists: Pros and Cons for Startup Founders

As the visionary behind a burgeoning enterprise, securing capital is likely top of mind. After all, it’s a critical component of bringing your business to life. In today’s world, we are fortunate to have an excess of options at our disposal, unlike in the past. Angel investors and venture capitalists are two distinct types of … Continued

Pros and Cons of Pay to Play in Venture Capital

A pay-to-play clause in a venture capital term sheet mandates that current investors participate in any upcoming funding rounds. This will specify a company’s valuation reset (often at a significantly lower value) and require each participating venture capitalist to invest pro rata. This article highlights the alternative structures of pay-to-play, the pros and cons of … Continued

How Do Startups Raise Capital?

Let’s say you’re launching a new company. You’re determined, passionate, and equipped with a brilliant action plan. Have you ever considered the cost of putting your plans into action? Investment cash is necessary for the launch of every firm, no matter how little. Access to capital gives your company projects a solid foundation, facilitating their … Continued

All You Need to Know About Partnership Buyouts

Partnership buyout financing is difficult to arrange for small and medium-sized firms that have never done so before. It is sometimes the last unavoidable resort to make a business work. There are several reasons why a buyout happens: the partner may be retiring voluntarily, or the conflict between the partners began affecting business operations. Keeping … Continued

Steps in Calculating Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

The internal rate of return (IRR) is a formula for estimating the rate of return on investment. The computation does not take into account external variables like the risk-free rate, inflation, the cost of capital, or financial risk, hence the name is “internal”. Ex-post or ex-ante applications of the approach are both possible. The IRR … Continued

How Does Sweat Equity Taxation Work?

Sweat equity is the exchange of labor for stock or a stake in the business. If you have any doubts, taxes are always due on sweat equity when you receive it or offer it, and you need to account for sweat equity taxation. Sweat equity is a valuable instrument that you may utilize to aid … Continued

How does Section 1202 benefit angel investors with 100% capital gain exclusion?

The IRS code Section 1202 is among the most significant advancements for startups in a long time, yet relatively few angel investors and business owners are aware of it. It may be a fantastic opportunity for angel investors and startups to develop their businesses. Tech entrepreneurs are issuing qualifying small company stock to grab the … Continued

Key Terms of Convertible Notes and SAFEs

SAFE and convertible notes are great choices accessible to startups needing pre-seed or seed capital. Startups use Convertible instruments to raise financing. Choosing the right one will depend on how well you grasp the Convertible and SAFE note terms and which suits your business better. Convertible notes and SAFEs are the same instruments, differing in … Continued

How to Take Advantage of the 83(b) Election Tax Strategy?

Knowing the tax law and its different provisions is one approach to preventing paying too much in taxes. 83(b) election tax strategy to assist you in reducing the tax burden for employees or firms. Suppose you are a startup founder or employee and you get restricted stock awards (RSA) or options as part of your … Continued

An Interview with Josh Furstoss, Founder and CEO, Incued

Welcome to our Founder Spotlight Series, where we bring you the stories of visionary startup founders and entrepreneurs shaping the future. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Josh Furstoss, the driving force behind Incued, a financial data analysis software company. Join us as we dive into his remarkable career, the fintech industry’s challenges, and … Continued

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