Tag: Fair Market Value

We help business owners realize their dreams by providing full company incorporation, share management and valuation
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409A Valuations: Everything that Executives Should Know

A 409A valuation determines the fair market value (FMV) of a private company’s common stock as determined by a third-party appraiser. Startups require 409A valuations in order to provide employees tax-free stock options. The 409A valuation defines a company’s common stock’s base price, which is used to determine the price at which workers can exercise … Continued

How do high valuations affect your 409A valuation?

A 409a valuation is important because it establishes the fair market value of your company’s shares in writing. A 409a valuation, if done correctly, can help you comply with tax regulations and avoid unnecessary IRS audits that could lead to major problems down the road. Perhaps even more importantly, a 409a valuation provides your management … Continued

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