Cap table for early-stage startups

This article provides an overview of the cap table along with some key components of the cap table.

The complexities and dynamics of early-stage startups are unique, but the tools they need to thrive and grow are available in the startup ecosystem. Well, the capitalization table or cap table is the structure that organizes the ownership of the company amongst its shareholders. It shows the type and number of shares of stock each shareholder owns. As such, the process of fundraising and the terms of investment are different with many moving parts. It helps the entrepreneurs to evaluate and plan their financial situation, future capital requirements, and capitalization needs. Being equipped with the knowledge of the cap table for startups enables investors and entrepreneurs to leverage their financial relationships. This article provides an overview of the cap table along with some key components of the cap table.

Cap table and early-stage startups

A cap table is a snapshot of the company’s ownership structure at the time of investment. The cap table can change on a daily basis depending on the funding decisions, vesting schedules, term sheets, and related business transactions. It serves as a reference for investors and other stakeholders, including founders, employees, and auditors. This requires a high level of cooperation and communication between the stakeholders to ensure that each party has the information needed to make decisions.

A cap table for startups should be a living document, which means it should be kept up-to-date and reflect the current state of the startup ownership structure and any future changes. While early-stage startups may have the high-growth potential significantly, they also have a high risk of failure. An early-stage startups cap table is like a business plan. It demonstrates that the company has taken steps to build a foundation for success. This helps the startup attract capital, talent, and partners. For startups, a cap table is a standard component of the financial due diligence in early-stage funding rounds.

Understand cap table

The cap table is a detailed record of the company’s ownership structure. It includes all of the information about the company’s ownership, including each shareholder’s percentage ownership, number of shares, and personal information such as the name and address of each shareholder. The cap table is a standard requirement for all companies receiving funding from investors and checks back with the pre-investment cap table in order to identify the actual dilution. That being said, it is crucial to update the cap table after every funding round in order to reflect any changes in the ownership structure. The cap table for startups should be reviewed by all stakeholders and updated from time to time.

What is the main purpose of the cap table for startups?

The purpose of the cap table is to ensure that founders, potential investors, and the company’s management have a clear understanding of the ownership structure, share class requirements, and rules governing capital allocation. Here are a few reasons why it is important to have a cap table:

  • It is an essential document for all capital-raising activities (such as a private placement, initial public offering (IPO), or sale of the company).
  • This allows the investors to track their ownership interests in the company and helps them to make informed decisions on the path forward.
  • In order to comply with securities regulations, the cap table needs to be updated after every funding round.
  • To track the level of dilution of the existing founders, employees, board members, and investors.
  • It serves as a financial blueprint for the company and helps to plan future financing rounds.

What are early-stage startups?

Early-stage startups are companies in the stage of development from ideation to prototype to proof of concept and beyond. The company may have only a few employees, a single product, or a portfolio of ideas. The primary purpose of an early-stage startup is to bring an idea to market and show early signs of having the potential for success. Early-stage startups are often built around an MVP (minimum viable product) to grow revenue and develop a more robust product offering over a short span of time.

The goal is to establish a scalable and repeatable business model. It is at this stage that a company may decide to raise additional capital in order to scale. This may include acquisition, going public, or raising a funding round. Therefore, the early-stage startup is a dynamic stage where the speed of growth and planning for long-term sustainability is critical.

Example for cap table for early-stage startups

Let us consider a company Tech Corp, a sophisticated software company, offering cloud storage and AI-powered data security solutions.

The company has two founders (with 2 million shares) have issued:

  • The type of securitycommon shares, options, and warrants to shareholders.
  • The role of shareholders in the company – Founder, Advisor, Investor, and Employee.
  • 2.5 million common shares to its shareholders at $0.0001 price per share.
  • 60,000 stock options to its shareholders and has authorized 40,000 stock options to be granted in the future.
  • 25,000 warrants have been issued to its shareholders.
  • In total, 2.6 million shares have been issued to its shareholders.

Here’s a simple cap table for the company summarizing the ownership structure and capital committed. 

ShareholdersRoleCommon SharesOptionsWarrantTotal SharesOwnership%Capital
Jessica StewartCo-Founder500,000500,00018.98%$50
Edward WilliamCo-Founder1,500,0001,500,00056.93%$150
Clara JohnAdvisor20,00010,00030,0001.14%$2
Louis RichardAdvisor30,00015,00045,0001.71%$3
Ashley JamesAdvisor10,00020,00030,0001.14%$1
Bella MichaelInvestor5,00025,00030,0001.14%$1
Peter HenryEmployee150,000150,0005.69%$15
Jones BlazeEmployee10,00010,00020,0000.76%$1
Robert LeeEmployee150,000150,0005.69%$15
Bill ToddEmployee150,000150,0005.69%$15
James SmithEmployee15,0005,00020,0000.76%$2
Anderson HooperInvestor10,00010,0000.38%$1
Shares available for issuance under the plan40,000
Total shares Issued2,550,00060,00025,0002,635,000100.00%$255
Price per share$0.0001

The cap table shows the distribution of shares among the shareholders along with ownership percentage and capital committed by the company.

Key Components for Early-Stage Cap Tables

Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date cap table with these components is crucial for early-stage startups to manage equity effectively, make informed decisions about financing, and provide transparency to current and potential investors.

For early-stage startups, the key components of a cap table typically include:

  • Equity Instruments It includes various types of equity such as common shares, preferred shares, options, and convertible notes, indicating the rights and privileges associated with each.
  • Shareholders – The cap table lists all shareholders, including founders, employees, investors, and any other equity holders, along with the number of shares or percentage of ownership each holds
  • Vesting SchedulesCap tables may incorporate vesting schedules for founders and employees, outlining when their equity grants become fully vested or upon meeting specific milestones.
  • Funding Rounds The cap table tracks different funding rounds, showing investment amounts, valuations, and resulting changes in ownership percentages.
  • DilutionIt illustrates how subsequent investment rounds and issuance of new shares affect the ownership percentages of existing shareholders.
  • Option Pool The cap table typically includes details on the company’s option pool size, which is set aside for future employee equity grants.
  • Securities Details The cap table may include information such as the issue date, purchase price, and any special rights or preferences for each security type.
  • Ownership PercentagesThe cap table shows each shareholder’s percentage ownership, both current and fully diluted.
  • Company Valuation While not always explicitly stated, the cap table implicitly reflects the company’s valuation based on the price paid for shares in recent funding rounds.
  • Convertible Securities Any convertible notes or SAFEs (Simple Agreements for Future Equity) are typically included, as these may convert to equity in future funding rounds.

Importance of Maintaining a Cap Table for Early-Stage Startups

A cap table (capitalization table) is a crucial document for startups and companies that provides a clear overview of the ownership structure and equity distribution. To maintain an effective cap table, use specialized cap table management software like Eqvista instead of spreadsheets to avoid errors, ensure data protection, and facilitate easier updates.

Regularly updating the cap table after funding rounds, liquidity events, new employee hires, or when options are exercised is crucial for maintaining accuracy and usefulness.

Here’s a table summarizing the importance of maintaining a cap table:

Transparency and ClarityProvides a clear snapshot of equity ownership, reflecting the company's ownership structure accurately
Decision-Making ToolEssential for informed decision-making by both the company and potential investors when raising funds or making strategic decisions
Tracking Value Over TimeAllows founders, investors, and stakeholders to understand the company's value over time
Fundraising and Attracting InvestorsInstills confidence in investors by providing a clear understanding of the company's potential for growth
Employee Recruitment and RetentionHelps manage employee stock options, showing available options to issue for attracting and retaining talent.
Compliance and AuditsEnsures smooth audits and compliance with legal standards, as regulatory authorities often require cap table presentation
Understanding Decision-Making PowerHelps monitor ownership percentages to determine if too much power is concentrated in a particular stakeholder group
Managing DilutionAllows for effective management of dilution and planning for future financing rounds
Exit Strategies and M&A TransactionsCap Table has an important role in determining the distribution of proceeds among shareholders during acquisitions or IPOs

The above table highlights the key reasons why  an accurate and up-to-date cap table is crucial for startups and companies. It encompasses various aspects from transparency and decision-making to compliance and strategic planning.

Common Mistakes Early-Stage Founders Make with Their Cap Tables and How to Avoid Them

Early-stage founders often make common mistakes with their cap tables, which can have significant implications for their startups. By taking proactive steps to avoid them, early-stage founders can maintain a clean and attractive cap table, which is crucial for securing future investments and ensuring the long-term success of their startups.

Here are some of the most frequent errors and how to avoid them:

Cap Table MistakeSolution
Over-Dilution of Equity
Too much equity t lead to a significantly reduced ownership stake for the founders, making it difficult to attract institutional investors later on.
Plan Equity Distribution Carefully
Be strategic about how much equity you give away in early rounds. Ensure that founders retain a significant ownership stake to alig n interests with future investors.
Not Updating the Cap Table Regularly
Failing to maintain an accurate cap table can lead to stakeholder misunderstandings and disputes. As the company grows and new investors come on board, the cap table should reflect these changes accurately.
Regularly Update the Cap Table
Keep the cap table updated with every change in ownership. Consider using specialized cap table management tools like Eqvista to avoid errors and ensure.
Misunderstanding Securities Terms
Issuing different types of securities (e.g., common stock, preferred stock, options) without fully understanding their terms and implications can complicate the ownership structure and affect the company's valuation and control.
Understand Securities Terms
Educate yourself on the different types of securities and their implications. Consult professionals to ensure you are making informed decisions when issuing stock or options.
Rounding Errors and Calculation Mistakes
Using spreadsheets for cap tables can lead to rounding errors and calculation mistakes, which can complicate the ownership structure and create issues during due diligence by potential investors.
Use Reliable Tools
Avoid using basic spreadsheets for cap tables. Instead, use dedicated cap table management software to minimize errors and streamline updates.
Giving Advisors Too Much Equity
Allocating too much equity to advisors can deter future investors. Advisors typically receive equity in the single digits; anything higher can be considered excessive.
Allocate Advisor Equity Wisely
Be conservative with the equity you allocate to advisors. Typically, advisors should receive equity in the low single digits, with vesting schedules to ensure they remain engaged.
Legal and Documentation Issues
Inaccurate or incomplete legal documentation, such as not properly documenting founder departures or not reconciling the cap table with legal documents, can lead to costly clean-ups later on.
Maintain Proper Legal Documentation
Work with experienced legal counsel to ensure all documentation is accurate and up to date. Regularly reconcile the cap table with legal documents to avoid discrepancies.
Lack of Vesting Schedules
Not implementing vesting schedules for founders and early employees can result in "dead equity," where individuals who leave the company early still hold significant ownership stakes. This can be a red flag for potential investors
Implement Vesting Schedules
Ensure that all founders and key employees are on vesting schedules to prevent dead equity. Standard vesting schedules typically span four years with a one-year cliff.

Cap Table Automation for Early-Stage Startups

By automating workflows, cap table software helps startups manage their equity more efficiently, reduce administrative burdens, and minimize the risk of errors associated with manual processes. This allows founders and management teams to focus more on strategic growth and less on administrative tasks related to equity management.

Here are some key ways cap table software helps automate workflows:

  • Equity Grants and IssuanceCap table software automates issuing new equity grants and other forms of equity compensation. It can generate grant documents, send them for electronic signatures, and automatically update the cap table once grants are approved.

Equity Grants and Issuance

  • Vesting SchedulesThe software automatically tracks and updates vesting schedules for employee stock options and other equity awards. It can send notifications when vesting milestones are reached, eliminating the need for manual tracking.


  • Exercise and Cancellation of OptionsWhen employees exercise their stock options or leave the company, the software can automate updating the cap table, calculating taxes, and generating necessary documentation.

Exercise and Cancellation of Options

  • Investor Communications Cap table software can automate investor communications by generating and distributing reports, updates, and other relevant information to shareholders.
  • Fundraising ProcessesDuring fundraising rounds, the software can automatically model different scenarios, generate term sheets, and update the cap table based on new investments.
  • Compliance and ReportingThe software can automate generating compliance reports required for regulatory filings, tax purposes, and board meetings.


  • Document Management Cap table software often includes features for automating document management, such as storing, organizing, and retrieving equity-related documents.


  • Approvals and WorkflowsMany cap table management tools offer customizable approval workflows for equity-related transactions, ensuring the right stakeholders are involved in decision-making.
  • Data IntegrationAdvanced cap table software can integrate with other business systems (e.g., HR, payroll, accounting software) to automate data synchronization and reduce manual data entry.
  • Scenario ModelingThe software can automate the modeling of different scenarios for future equity events, helping companies plan for various outcomes without manual calculations.


How do cap tables for early-stage startups help get funding or grow?

A cap table is a simple description of all the company’s shareholders, their ownership stake, and the value of the shares. It can be summarized as the shareholder’s data reflecting the company’s current and past ownership stake. An early-stage startup should maintain accurate data about its shareholder’s interests for a successful fundraising round. In order to secure funding and consequently grow the company, it is essential for an early-stage startup to have a detailed cap table.

As such, Eqvista is a platform offering cap table management services, which help it raise capital in the right manner and enable the company to grow within its means. With the expertise and support of Eqvista, the early-stage startup is able to stay on track with the necessary funds required at each milestone. Typically, potential investors look at the cap table when evaluating the early-stage startup and can make a decision based on the key stakeholder’s interests. Having said that, a cap table for early-stage startups is a representation of the ownership interest in the company.

Manage your early-stage startup cap table efficiently with Eqvista!

Understanding the details and maintaining a cap table for the companies’ future and growth is vital. As a result, companies like Eqvista help young startups to raise capital and scale their business. If you are looking for a cap table management company to help you raise capital, Eqvista is the right place to start. The team’s years of industry experience and expertise have enabled them to support early-stage startups and help them achieve their goals. Hence, increase the efficiency and productivity with a reliable partner like Eqvista. For any assistance, reach out to us.

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