For Investors

Do you have any questions about investing in Eqvista?

Eqvista is a global software company helping teams around the world receive and share company stock. We build tools that help companies issue and manage shares.

With our 8,000+ customers and team of over 60 professionals in our group, we are building the next generation of team collaboration and compliance software. We believe the power of sharing company ownership has the potential to keep the best talent, as well as attract investors to your company.

Eqvista sees that the future of technology will ease the current system for share management, cap tables, and company filings to a great degree. Our platform will affect the way how company filings work. You can read more about our past year on Eqvista here.

Should you have any questions about investing in Eqvista, please let us know at tom[at]

Interested in issuing & managing shares?

If you want to start issuing and managing shares, Try out our Eqvista App, it is free and all online!