A convertible note is a type of security issued to stakeholders that can be either converted into stock or repaid.

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1Log into your Eqvista account and select your company account. 

Evista login

On the dashboard, click “Securities” from the left-hand side and then “Convertible Instruments”

convertible instruments

Step 2: Then, you will be directed to the below page and click “Note 1”.

Note: On this page, you can view the already-issued convertible notes to shareholders. To know how to issue convertible notes to shareholders, check out the support article here!

issue notes

Step 3: Here, you will be able to see the details of “Note 1” and click on “Actions” on the top right-hand side to get the drop-down menu. Then, click on “Repay”.


Step 4: By doing this, a window will appear asking for repayment confirmation as shown below.

confirm operation

To proceed with the payment, click on “Confirm Operation”.

Step 5: Then, you will be redirected to the page where the note is repaid.

note repaid

Step 6: The convertible note repaid will be crossed out on the convertible instruments page as shown below. 

convertible instruments page

Step 7: Once the convertible note has been repaid, the principal amount will be deducted from the total capital committed in the dashboard.

total capital committed

Note: Similarly, you can also repay KISS and SAFE convertible notes that have been issued.

To know more about Eqvista’s features, check out our support articles and knowledge base. For further queries, get in touch with us!

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