1. Milestone: Fill out company details

Onboarding File out main information about you, company, authorized shares and Par Value (Initial Price Per Share). Invite your lawyer or simply manage it by yourself. You might also set up a board of directors. Client and Contact Information Company Information – C Corporation – You may usually set up your company as a C … Continued

2. Milestone: Collect all company documents

Once you set up your company, make sure that your incorporator furnishes you with the right documents. You should receive all Incorporation documents once your company is set up. GATHER COMPANY DOCUMENTS This is your checklist of company documents. Some of the documents might be irrelevant as you may not need them. Please go through … Continued

3. Milestone: Issue shares to founders

The company is set up, shares authorized – How many shares should be issued to Founders? Once you set up your company, you should think of issuing shares to founders. You typically issue 50-80% of the authorized shares of common stock to the founders. The Articles of Incorporation usually authorizes 10,000,000 shares of Common Stock, … Continued

4. Milestone: Create an Employee’s Stocks Options

1. Dividing shares among employees? Create ESOP (Equity Stock Ownership Plan) – it is usually between 10 % – 20% and allows employees to own stock in the company without having to purchase shares. Employee Stock Purchase (Option) Plan (ESPP) – allows employees to use after-tax wages to purchase stock in their companies, usually at … Continued

5. Milestone: Convertible Notes, Option, Warrant

Warrant, Convertible Note & SAFE & KISS, Option – are financial instruments which give the right to buy or sell the equity of the company. WHEN TO CONVERT INTO EQUITY? Convertible notes are usually received before a financing round (Pre-seed or Seed investment funding). The trigger happens once you receive the first investments for the … Continued

6. Milestone: Pre-seed funding, Seed Funding

Both of the seed moneys are considered as the very first money that many enterprises raise. Seed funding is used to move a start-up from idea to the first steps, such as product development or market research. The whole financing regime has moved what was once a Series A to a seed now. Basically a … Continued

7. Milestone: Funding – A, B and C Series

Company funding is the money that investors offer to a company, especially for startups who need large cash for their business growth. A SERIES -FUNDING Series A financing (also known as series A round or series A funding) is one of the stages in the capital-raising process for a start-up. Essentially, the series A round is … Continued

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