Category: Cap Tables

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Cap table management:101 Guide for Startups

A cap table is a defining document for founders, investors, and employees. It’s the most important point of reference for understanding how ownership in your company gets divided. Who owns what percentage of the company, funding rounds, vesting schedules, and liquidation preferences are all captured clearly in the cap table. The cap table comes into … Continued

Reading a Cap Table: Guide to Keeping Track of Your Equity

With the diversification of investments, the number of shares and owners in a company can often be a bit tricky to keep track of. In order to avoid any confusion down the line, it’s important that you know how a company’s equity is divided among the shareholders. A cap table or capitalization table is a … Continued

How to Calculate Dilution in Cap Table?

A capitalization table known as a cap table is a financial spreadsheet typically used in startups to manage the equity in the company. While dilution refers to a reduction in an ownership percentage interest in the company. In essence, dilution occurs when new shares are issued, decreasing the percentage ownership of each share. In this … Continued

What Shareholders Need to Know About Cap Tables: Guide

The basics of how a company’s equity is divided are outlined in the company’s cap table. In simple terms, a cap table or otherwise known as a capitalization table, is a list that summarizes what percentage of the company each shareholder owns. It is crucial for shareholders to understand the role and purpose of the … Continued

Importance of Cap Table in Venture Capital

A startup’s venture capital cap table can initially be fairly simple, consisting solely of the founders and/or the first few workers. However, when the company’s staff base grows and additional outside investors become involved, the situation can quickly become more problematic. As a result, a cap table must be employed and maintained to determine the … Continued

Cap table FAQ: 20 Most Asked Questions Answered

People who are new to the idea of cap tables often have many questions, and it can be hard to get answers from their limited knowledge base. You may find yourself on a constant hunt for people with the same or a similar question in order to just get an answer. To help with this, … Continued

Cap table 101: What Founders Should Know About a Cap Table

The startup cap table is one of the most fundamental documents that every entrepreneur must know and understand. The moment a couple of founders come together to form a company, figuring out the equity distribution is inevitable. After this stage, the concept of a cap table follows. Ranging from simple cap tables maintained on spreadsheets … Continued

Cap Table Management: 10 Rules Entrepreneurs Must Know

When a person becomes a founder, they know all about the many different aspects of a company, such as important business documents and how to manage a company to become successful. And one of the most important documents that an entrepreneur needs to know about is a capitalization table and what proper cap table management … Continued

Eqvista in 2019: Looking back at the past year

A year changes a lot in everyone’s life. In reality, it is not the year, but the changes that make us grow. Similarly, as the year ends there has been a lot of developments made in Eqvista over the year which leads to the overall growth of the company. Eqvista is a modern equity management … Continued

Share Vesting: All You Need to Know

Are you planning to issue shares to your employees? If so, do you know all about the possible vesting plans you can offer your employees with? Well, share vesting is a very important part of issuing shares to your staff, and helps with controlling the ownership of the company. Read on to learn more about … Continued

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